Baseball: the Huskies hold their final

The Rouen baseball club is playing a new final of the French D1 championship, starting this Saturday August 13, 2022. The Huskies are opposed to the Lions of Savigny, an old acquaintance…

After winning the Challenge de France, after bringing back the Confederation Cup, the Rouennais are one step away from the grand slam in 2022. From this Saturday, they face Savigny-sur-Orge in the final of the French D1 championship. The 17th national title reaches out to the Huskies!

The first two matches take place at the Saint-Exupéry stadium, on an overheated Pierre-Rolland pitch (and not only because of the scorching temperatures). The meeting is scheduled for Saturday August 13 at 3 p.m. and the next day, Sunday August 14 at 2 p.m. Free entry.

To reach the final, the two clubs had to get rid of two cumbersome clients: the Boucaniers de La Rochelle, who had finished the regular season at the top of Pool B, for Savigny; the Montpellier Barracudas for the Huskies. The two finalists only needed three rounds to close the deal.

This final promises to be as indecisive as it is exciting. Indeed, during the regular season the Rouennais had won two sets to nil, while the Lions had won in turn during the return match played in Île de France. Starting this final with two home wins could launch the locals to a new feat…

The two rounds are also to be followed on Huskies TV

Useful information

Rouen Huskies – Savigny Lions

Saturday August 13 at 3 p.m. and Sunday August 14 at 2 p.m.

Saint-Exupéry Stadium


More information on the Huskies Facebook page


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