Ball: Big Pair vs. Half Pair

Ball: Big Pair vs. Half Pair

Mariezkurrena II and Laso congratulate each other while Altuna III is comforted by Zabaleta yesterday at the Aritzbatalde in Zarautz. / JOSÉ MARI LÓPEZ

A muscle problem in the right quadriceps annuls Altuna III from 3-2 and leaves a game that fills the Aritzbatalde in a mock game

Joseba Lezeta

It happened at 3-2. A hook attempt by Laso came to the front as a breakaway, he touched just above the plate and got close to the txoko. Altuna III reached the second boat and in the movement to crouch down she felt something in the posterior area of ​​her right quadriceps. He then took out the manomanista champion and the rest of the hook failed the amezketa


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