Badminton Kim So-young and Gong Hee-yong advance to the quarterfinals of the World Individual Championships for 2 consecutive years

picture explanationKim So-young (left) and Gong Hee-yong

Kim So-young (30) and Gong Hee-yong (26) advanced to the quarterfinals of the World Individual Championships for the second year in a row.

Kim So-young and Gong Hee-yong defeated Japan’s Nami Matsuyama and Chiharu Shida 2-0 (21-16 21-15) in the women’s doubles quarterfinals at the 2022 World Individual Championships held at Tokyo Metropolitan Stadium on the 26th.

Kim So-young and Gong Hee-yong, who are ranked 4th in the women’s doubles world ranking, will challenge Korea’s women’s doubles championship for the first time in 27 years after winning Gil Young-ah and Jang Hye-ok in 1995.

Kim So-young and Gong Hee-yong, who were unfortunately in third place after losing to teammates Lee So-hee (28) and Shin Seung-chan (28) in the semifinals of the last tournament, were the only three Korean teams participating in the women’s doubles to advance to the semifinals.

Kim So-young and Gong Hee-yong, who succeeded in scoring three consecutive goals at the start of the first set, added four consecutive goals two times in a row after that, and overtook their opponents with a 14-7 double score.

At the end of the game, he conceded five consecutive goals and was chased by two points, but he succeeded in scoring three in a row due to an opponent’s sub-fault and won the set first.

Kim So-young and Gong Hee-yong continued their momentum in the second set.

Kim So-young and Gong Hee-yong, who first reached 11 points and took the initiative, were aiming all over the opponent’s court, disturbing the concentration of the Japanese players.

After that, Lee So-hee and Gong Hee-yong took turns inserting strong attacks into the opponent’s court, widening the gap to 19-13.

Matsuyama and Shida formed the line and pursued two points, but Kim So-young’s last attack hit the net and fell on the opponent’s court, confirming the semifinals.

Badminton women's doubles Shin Seung-chan

picture explanationBadminton women’s doubles Shin Seung-chan

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3rd place in the world rankings Lee So-hee and Shin Seung-chan, who were expected to advance to the semifinals with the women’s doubles, were unfortunately defeated by the Japanese team and were frustrated from advancing to the quarterfinals.

Last year’s runner-up team, Sohee Lee and Seungchan Shin, lost 1-2 (13-21 21-19 12-21) in the women’s doubles quarterfinals against Japan’s Mayu Matsumoto and Nagahara Wakana.

As if their concentration in the game continued day after day, Sohee Lee and Seungchan Shin gave up the first set 13-21 in vain due to frequent net violations.

Concentration was also a problem in the second set.

After leading by 15-11, four points, the defense suddenly shook, allowing the opponent to score seven in a row, and it was reversed.

Fortunately, the opponent’s offense and Shin Seung-chan’s bold attack ended the 2nd set with a victory, but the stamina was wasted.

In the third set, Matsumoto-Nagahara took the lead in physical strength and conceded only 12 points to finish the match.

Badminton men's doubles Seo Seung-jae

picture explanationBadminton men’s doubles Seo Seung-jae

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In the men’s doubles quarterfinals that followed, Sol-gyu Choi (27) and Seung-jae Seo (25) lost to Malaysia’s Aaron Chia and Souik (Malaysia) 0-2 (18-21 16-21).

In the beginning of the first set, they led 8-4, but after that, they conceded five consecutive goals and were reversed 8-9.

After that, he was dragged by the opponent and gave up one set.

In the second set, Sol-gyu Choi and Seung-jae Seo could not find a clue to counterattack.

The defense continued to break through the opponent’s strong jumping attack.

In particular, he conceded four goals in a row as his concentration was disturbed in 14-14, and in the end the game could not be overturned and the game was abandoned.


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