An Infas student traps his colleague with crispy croissants, rapes her in the middle of the night and flees

An Infas student traps his colleague with crispy croissants, rapes her in the middle of the night and flees

The town of Korhogo has been rocked by a rape case. Indeed, according to Soir Info which provides the information, the named MK, a second-year student at the National Institute for the Training of Health Workers (INFAS) was guilty of raping NBA, 22, also a student at the of this same institute.

In several scenarios, MK retains the one to offer NBA something that it likes

“According to these sources, MK, who has long “circled” around the NBA and who suffered the polite refusal of the young student, chose another option. That of forcing her to have sex with him. In several scenarios, MK retains that of offering the NBA something it likes: crispy croissants ”we read in Soir Info.

MK buys himself several crispy croissants and takes the path that leads to the neighborhood where the young NBA resides

To achieve his ends, MK goes to the viennoiserie on the evening of July 31, 2022. He buys several crispy croissants and takes the path that leads to the “Petit Paris” district of Korhogo where the young NBA lives “He is a just after 9 p.m., and like most of the towns in the interior, the populations of Korhogo, apart from a few rare individuals, are asleep. MK knocks on the door of NBA “Who is it?” she asks. “It’s me MK, answers the visitor. “Ok, wait a minute! said the student. It is with a broad smile that NBA at the idea of ​​having croissants, comes to open the door to MK” adds Soir Info.

The girl did not have time to realize that it was a trap that she is already overpowered by the neck and led against her will into the bedroom. With techniques of which he alone has the secret, MK succeeds in mowing down his victim and satisfying his sexual urges. “She struggles in vain. MK who has managed to strip her halfway, satisfies her sexual instincts. This sexual madman escapes from the premises after his crime. Not wanting to leave the act of defilement in silence, NBA seized the gendarmerie brigade of Korhogo. Elements of the constabulary are dispatched to MK’s place of residence, he is apprehended and taken to the brigade, where he is kept in custody,” adds the colleague.


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