A Warriors star on the way out? A franchise on the spot!

The Warriors roster will break in the future, it remains to be seen when exactly. The owner has invited his front office to make choices quickly, but it may have to wait until the summer of 2023. A star of the workforce could be the first to leave the ship, especially as teams are interested.

After a title acquired against the Celtics, the Warriors will logically want to repeat their feat, with a Steph Curry more determined than ever. Steve Kerr should have a quality roster, although the latter will undergo significant changes. If the Chief can rest easy, the rest of the workforce must be wary. After all, we’re talking about a 400 million dilemmawhich could cost Joe Lacob, the owner, dearly.

Clearly, players will leave, it remains to be seen when. Draymond Green is a possible candidate if he doesn’t get his max contract, while Jordan Poole is also an option, if he fails to confirm. If there is a favorite, despite his recent playoffs, it is Andrew Wiggins. The latter will ask for a large contract, probably the maximum, which could hurt Golden State very badly.

Andrew Wiggins to the Eastern Conference?

Knowing that he is a free agent next summer, the Canadian knows that his future will be decided quickly. He can extend his contract with the Dubs this summer, or in a year even, or join a new destination. The second scenario is the most likely, with the Cavaliers already positioning themselves, according to information from Evan Dammarell. At least Wiggins will have no trouble bouncing back.

Multiple sources confirm the Warriors need to keep a close eye on the Cavaliers over Andrew Wiggins next summer. The Cavaliers would love to bounce back with the winger, knowing the Dubs probably can’t afford to keep the Canadian as one of the biggest earners on the roster. Considering how Wiggins performed with the Warriors in the playoffs, a move to Cleveland would make sense.

Indeed, Wiggins seduced the world with his performances during the last playoffs. He was decisive in attack, but also in defense, where he made a big difference against the Mavericks for example. The Dubs will logically want to keep it, but not at any price. The Cavaliers will be able to take advantage of it next summer, at least if Wiggins is a free agent.

Because by then, obviously a lot of things can happen. A trade is not technically impossible, since it is recalled that GSW did not hesitate to exchange D’Angelo Russell in the past, precisely to attract Wiggins. Anything is possible in the coming months, but the Warriors won’t be able to escape payroll relief.

Andrew Wiggins at the Cavaliers? What is certain is that the player will not lack suitors. It’s up to the Warriors to make the best decision, but above all not to regret it afterwards. By 2023, we can be sure that the Wiggins soap opera will grow even more.


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