“What future for sport in Luino in the next three years?”

Average reading time: 2 minutes

There is strong concern from the executives of Basketball Virtus Luino, Luino Volley and Canottieri Luino in relation to the contents of the meeting of last 12 July organized by the Municipality of Luino, in about the organization of sports twinning which will see the lakeside city host over thirty young people from the German Bad Säckingen and the French Sanary-sur-Mer from 29 July to 7 August, following another initiative organized in recent weeks.

During the comparisonBut, have been collected and reportedby sports associations, some critical issues. “Also meeting the disappointment of athletes and families, the associations, among the most representative of the Luinese sports scene, which have a total of over 700 members, requested a meeting with the mayor Enrico Bianchi and the councilor for Sport Ivan Martinelli”, the executives of the three Luinese sports realities.

“The aim of the aforementioned associations is to clarify, with certainty – reads the note -, what are the actual strategies of the administration towards the sport of Luino in the next three years which appear, from what emerged in the aforementioned meeting, enough confused, incongruous and in any case very far from the real and concrete needs of sports operators “.

At the same time such associationshowever – continues the letter -, considering the irreplaceable role they play in support of the Community, they say they want to check if the conditions exist to agree on a shared pathor, which takes into account their legitimate expectations.

«Virtus, Volleyball and Rowing Club solely out of a sense of responsibility and in order not to damage the image of the City of Luino towards foreign guests, confirm their support to the municipal administration for the organization of the activities planned for the forthcoming twinning. Conversely, they temporarily suspend all other co-planning activities, postponing their evaluations to the outcome of the meeting “.

Mayor Enrico Bianchi spoke directly on the issue, saying he was surprised but available for dialogue: “I am a little surprised by the request for a new meeting not far from the one already done – commented the mayor -, but I do not hold back when the interlocutors are associations that have a high number of young people who practice sport, we await the councilor’s return from vacation and we organize the meeting ».


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