Wanted by the USA: drug lord Caro Quintero arrested in Mexico – politics

Drug lord Rafael Caro Quintero, wanted by the United States for years, has been arrested in Mexico. This was announced by the Mexican Ministry of the Navy on Friday to the AFP news agency. Caro Quintero is on the FBI’s 10 Most Wanted List. In 2018, the US federal police put a $20 million bounty on his head for information leading to his capture.

According to Mexican media reports, Caro Quintero was captured by marines in the northern state of Chihuahua.

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US investigators have accused Caro Quintero of being responsible for the 1985 kidnapping, torture and murder of a DEA special investigator. Caro Quintero had already served 28 years in prison for the murder of DEA agent Enrique Camarena in Mexico. He was then released in 2013 by order of a Mexican court.

The Supreme Court later revoked the decision – but by then the “drug lord of drug lords” had already gone into hiding. In 2016, Quintero gave an underground interview in which he denied any involvement in the Camarena murder. (AFP)


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