the Medieval period plunges the city back into the year 1000

Before that, the fortified city will house a medieval market, workshops and sword fights from 10 a.m. Immersed in the 12th century, the spectator will be able to appreciate the accoutrements of merchants, serfs, peasants, noble ladies and gentle ladies. Admire the shoes of Tristan and those of Clotaire, the headdress of Iseult and the mittens of Cunégonde. Rinse your throat with cervoise or hypocras in the nearby tavern. Listen to the crowd entertainers and learn about the art of the troubadours, Gothic calligraphy, illumination or the dances of the time of Fébus.

Sword handling

But also, the stroller will be able to visit the medieval market, the stalls of the craftsmen. Stock up on fabrics, art objects or spices. Finally, youngsters can try their hand at archery and swordsmanship. And in the evening, sit down with the family to feast around a suckling pig on the spit, before letting yourself be carried away by the light of the torches and your stomach full by the frenzied rhythms of the musicians.


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