The Albi Judo club is exported to Andalusia

While the summer is in full swing, the Albi Judo Club continues its activity with an international course planned in Malaga from the beginning of August. An opportunity to exchange and learn with new interlocutors from another culture.

Following the tripartite partnership negotiated by the Occitanie Judo League with the Spanish and Portuguese Federations, the common events continue with this course organized in Malaga.

Invited by the “Club Deportivo de Nagare”, Grégory Marques and Stéphane Bega will travel to Andalusia with several students and teachers from the Albi Judo Club.

On the program, ten days of immersion in Malaga with a reserved dojo and dormitories. The Tarnais will participate in a judo combat course with teachers and students from the Malaga club. A visit circuit has also been planned to allow trainees to discover the region.

On site, Stéphane Bega and Grégory Marques will continue their intensive training in anticipation of the Kata World Championships which will take place on September 13 and 14 in Krakow. Upon their return, they will join the French delegation for a preparation course for the CREPS in Reims which will take place over four days from August 26th.

An 8th dan in Albi

At the same time, preparation for the International Kata Course continues for the Albi Judo Club, which this year will welcome Spanish and Portuguese judokas as part of the partnership.

The first weekend of October in Pratgraussals, the Tarn club will have the honor of welcoming master Alexandre Marc, eighth dan, Olympic champion in 1988 and former coach of the French team. This great champion will be the sponsor of this fourth edition of the International Stage.

For the occasion, the entire French delegation present at the Kata World Championships in Krakow will also be there.


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