Tennis: 50-year-old Michaël Thilmany (Messancy) is aiming for the Gentlemen 1

With the exception of the ten Luxembourgers who are installed in the Belgian Circuit’s men’s 1 tournaments, the men’s 2 category brings together the best in the province.

Despite solid competition with Maxime Dhont, Maxime Grégoire, Eliott Sold and the return to great shape of Ludovic Thirion, Michaël Thilmany did not lose a single set.

“To say it was easy would be a huge exaggeration, recognizes the member of the local club. I started the week by holding my permanence at the bar, which, given the usual fiesta of the evenings of the Lake, is not ideal to be in good shape the next day. In the second round, I had to fight hard in a battle of the leaders against my training partner Maxime Grégoire. He was very frustrated after his loss, because he is convinced he is better than me. But, I have mental, tactical and physical resources that made the difference. Above all, I played the important points very well. I had an advantage going into this first tournament. As I play interclubs in the Grand Duchy, I already have nearly 25 matches under my belt with my club Capellen. It’s good for confidence.”

In the semi-final, it was the solid Centre-Ardennais Eliott Sold who stood in his way. “He’s a great guy who’s really strong, pursuit Thilmany. But he had the misfortune to come across a great Thilmany. I was really well legged and I put my forehand where I wanted.”

In the final, the very fit Ludovic Thirion came out of his semi-final played the same day, exhausted by a long three-hour match. “I was surprised by the quality of his first set, comments the winner of the tournament. In the second set, he paid for the efforts made since the start of the day.”

Two-speed lifestyle

The former pupil of Jacky Fonck, the legendary Mr. Tennis South of Luxembourg, finds ambition. “I’m going to play a lot of tournaments this summer, because I feel like I can go up to at least B-15 and compete harder next year. Those who see me at the clubhouse after a game can show surprised because I don’t spit on a cigarette or on a few pints in the evening. But I train, I’m very careful about what I eat and I limit my consumption.”

Michaël Thilmany a sport in his ADN: “I can’t thank my parents enough for instilling this love for sport in me. My mother is 78 years old, she still jumps rope and eats vegetables from her vegetable patch.”


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