Semeac. SO Archery: a home competition before Blanquefort

The “Nature” barely finished, it’s time for the qualifications for the finals of the French 3D shooting championship which will take place from August 12, 2022 to August 14, 2022 in Blanquefort (33). It is with this in mind that our club organized this Sunday, July 17 a qualifying competition in the wood of Bartillots in Séméac. France is still in a heat wave and temperatures are approaching 40°. 52 archers are registered and leave for the woods at 8:15 a.m. for a technical course due to the configuration of the woods but without any particular difficulty.

After 4 hours of shooting, the competitors are back at the “Eric Marchand” field to drop off their scorecard. They are all very satisfied with the route set up but many are suffering from the heat. The thermometer then displays 38°. As a result of this heat wave, only 32 archers left after the meridian break, the others preferring not to take any risks, especially since only shot no. 1 is taken into account for the qualifications.

At 6 p.m., when the last archers returned, the official ranking shows that our Seméac competitors are well placed to qualify since in their respective categories: Nanou Frenet Marchand is 1st, Sylvie Yviquel is 2nd, Cristina Moreaux and Pierre Thomas 3rd.

Congratulations to all our competitor archers who contribute to flying the colors of Séméac Olympique Tir à l’Arc.


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