Self-criticism for his attitudes and why his River must “start from scratch”: 9 phrases by Marcelo Gallardo

Marcelo Gallardo was happy for the victory against Barracas Central (Fotobaires)

River Plate won again and Marcelo Gallardo he spoke again. It was beaten 3-0 by the set of Núñez about Central Tents for the 16th of the Argentine Cup in a duel played in San Luis that classified him to the next phase where he will face Defense and Justice. After four winless appearances, the Millionaire He was able to show his best version.

We needed a game to believe in our game againregain confidence, which is the important thing when you come from hard blows, it is always good to try to get out quickly, ”said the Doll in dialogue of TyC Sports. In his brief analysis of Wednesday night’s duel, he took the opportunity to leave a message for the referee: “The team played a good game, despite (Andrés) Merlos. The truth is that you have to live up to it, you didn’t see a solid referee”Shooting.

The Millionaire It came from falling 2-0 at home against Godoy Cruz by Professional League and to be removed from the Libertadores Cup ante Velez. After the loss at the weekend, the coach had suspended the press conference and during the game he had been expelled for insulting Judge Nicolás Lamolina. Regarding that, he made a deep reflection: “My attitudes speak for themselves, I try to control them but sometimes I make mistakes, like everyone else. Sometimes in the most difficult moments where you have to maintain sanity, serenity and temperance, sometimes some things also go away and it’s normal because I’m a guy who lives life that way. In this sense, he added: “Sometimes you lose your cool because this is football and we live in a country like Argentina, but within normal things I feel good.”

River-Barracas, for the Argentine Cup

Regarding what is coming for River Plate, Gallardo assured that he is working on assembling his team: “You have to start from scratch because it is not easy to build competitive teams all the time and we brought many players who arrived this year”. At this point, he explained that the leadership made the effort to bring in several soccer players in recent times and that many others also left, which is why it takes time to assemble the new pieces. “The campuses are changing and that of rebuilding teams is normal. Some players adapt quickly and others take longer to assimilate what the River world is”.

About this, he was annoyed by the calendar: “It’s not an excuse, but we didn’t have much time to stop, sometimes half-years do us good and that cost us, we didn’t get to decisive games in good shape”. Beyond all, the Doll he was relieved to have been able to beat Barracas showing the level of play he wants: “It doesn’t matter how long it takes to get out, the important thing is to get out. Sometimes it costs a little more. Sometimes you have to have a little more patience. And he remarked: “Winning or losing, we have been a team that has always recognized itself and it is difficult to recognize oneself in defeat.”

River Plate will play again this weekend, when on Sunday he visits Velez Sarsfield for the eighth day of the Professional League. In the Argentine Cuphis next rival will be Defense and Justice in the round of 16, although there is still no stipulated date for that clash.



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