Saint-Vallier – At the SVBD, basketball is doing well – Le Réveil Vivarais

Posted on July 6, 2022 by Le Réveil du Vivarais

Sportingly as well as humanly, the club’s season results are more than positive.

As the SVBD prepares to hold its general meeting and thus close the 2021-2022 season, Renaud Fourel, secretary of the association and communication manager, takes stock of the year, positive in all respects.

Featured Teams

Obviously, we can’t not start with the club’s Pro B team, which managed its reunion very well with this level, and achieved its goal of maintaining it. But it’s not the only one to shine this year. Indeed, five teams will be honored during the general assembly on July 6: the U15 girls, crowned champions of Drôme-Ardèche and having also brought back the Cup of Drôme Ardèche, the senior girls who go up from Division 2 to Pre-Regional, the U15 boys 2 champions of Drôme Ardèche in division 2, as well as the U15 boys 1 and the U17 boys 1, two teams having won the Drôme-Ardèche Super Cup. “We should also note the maintenance of our senior boys 2 team, which is in National 3, and which is more of a local team with local players who have been present at the club for a long time. Especially since there were big teams opposite, ”adds Renaud Fourel.

A label and approval

In line with the good news, the club has also obtained the “three star” male trainer label, which attests to the quality of the training offered to young people. “It depends on the number of coaches, the number of training sessions, the follow-up of the players, the number of players that we take to the selections… and this concerns young people in the U13 to U20 categories. »

Without stopping there, the club also validated the approval it lacked at its training center, where the elite U18s and Pro B hopefuls, in other words future professional players, are fed. “We have about twenty young people, this approval validates our investment in them and gives us access to more subsidies. It was approved by the Ministry of Sports. »

New projects

For the 2022-2023 season, the SVBD intends to continue the actions it was already carrying out. The Basket Santé section in particular, in which a dozen people train every Saturday without opposition, and whose oldest is 90 years old. “And she runs…” jokes Renaud Fourel.

But also the Basket École operation, which consists of interventions by the club in the various schools in the area around Saint-Vallier. The sports sections offered to the colleges and high schools of Saint-Vallier are also maintained.

In a desire for “basketball for all”, the club will also continue to offer its 3×3 leisure basketball section, where the public is rather young and male.

In the novelties, the SVBD tested at the end of the year a Moms Basket section, offered in priority to moms of young graduates, but who also “brought back girlfriends”, thus creating “the link between them and in the municipality” . Also, to go further than Basketball Health, the club is considering launching interventions in nursing homes, on the same principle as those in schools. “But it takes time and the corresponding diplomas. Why not train someone next year? »

The only negative point of the 2021-2022 season: with its 27 teams and 360 licensees, the largest basketball structure in Drôme Ardèche and the fifth at the regional level is struggling to find the necessary slots to satisfy everyone. “The Complexe des 2 Rives is saturated, especially since we have to share it with the school. We try to organize training in the gymnasiums of the surrounding municipalities, but it is becoming more and more complicated. »


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