Rune vents on Instagram: “Nothing will end my passion for tennis”

Holger Rune He is not living his best moments on the track. As if that encounter with Casper Ruud in the past Roland Garros 2022 It would have completely thrown him off center, the young Dane hasn’t exactly won a game since that match at the Philippe Chatrier. Five defeats in five tournaments have followed the Parisian tournament, an ideal time for the reflection, a reflection that the one from Copenhagen needed to do through Instagram. In his text, many factors to which he attributes this drop in level, among others a press that, according to him, has behaved irresponsibly, but also with a very clear maxim: nothing will kill your passion for tennis.

“This last month has been one of total learning, especially off the track. Now I understand how the things you do and say can be misunderstood and used for the worst in the press. Having said that, there are things that I would surely do differently , but we cannot change the past, we can only stay with its teachings. I try to move in this press show as well as I can, I try to make myself wiser. I did not choose tennis for the fame or the press, but because I love this sport. The happiness I get from playing was interrupted for a while by these circumstances. Now I feel at peace with this situation. Best of all, I have realized that nothing can end my passion for tennis. I love tennis, as simple as that“.


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