Rugby Japan National Team Adjusted at the venue before the test match with France | NHK Sports

The Japanese national rugby team made adjustments at the venue ahead of the test match with France at the National Stadium on the 9th.

The Japan National Rugby Union has been in a test match since last month as part of strengthening the World Cup to be held in France next year.

In the test match against France on the 2nd of this month, the 10th-ranked Japan national team will lose 23-42, and on the 9th, they will play against France, the 3rd-ranked in the world, again at the National Stadium.

The players made adjustments at the National Stadium on the morning of the 8th, and spent about 15 minutes open to the press, sweating with short-distance dash and pass practice.

Of these, Naoto Saito of scrum-half and Shota Horie of Hooker were positive in the antigen test for the new coronavirus, and although they had left the team in the previous match against France, they showed a healthy and sharp movement on the 8th. Was there.

After the practice, Saito said, “I was frustrated when I watched the last match against France on the hotel TV, but I was preparing for this match. I’m looking forward to tomorrow because many people will come to cheer me on. I want to control the game and play to give momentum to the team on the enemy side. “

According to the Japan Rugby Union, more than 50,000 tickets have been sold on the 9th, which is attracting attention.


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