Return to Juve, that’s why Morata hopes for it

TORINO – Alvaro Morata four days ago concluded the post with which he greeted Juventus writing “Until the end“. Juventus concluded the post with which he greeted Morata by writing”Forever one of us“. They could be much more than words of affection. They could be anticipations of the future. Because if Morata has returned to theAtletico Madrid at the expiry of the second year of the loan to the Juventus club, which has not exercised the right of redemption for 35 million, it is probable that “Until the end” of the market (or until the objective is reached), the ds Federico Cherubini negotiate with the Spanish club to bring the striker back to the orders of Massimiliano Allegri. And it is therefore possible that for Juventus Morata stay “One of us“not only in the heart, but also on the pitch.

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The link with Juventus

There is certainly no doubt about the heart. “One of the best things that happened to me in my life was the opportunity to wear this shirt – Morata had written in the aforementioned post –but even more so to have the opportunity to show my children what ‘Juventus’ means as a form of life and this will always carry them in their hearts“Words that can only be the result of a sincere admiration and bond. And they can only strengthen further the affection of the fans for the 29 year old Spaniard, one of the most popular players of the cycle of Andrea Agnelli to the presidency. A feeling born with the goals in the Champions League by the little boy Morata, who in 2015 dragged Juventus to touch the Cup, scoring the first leg and return against Dortmund in the round of 16, the first leg and return against the Real Madrid in the semifinal and then the goal of the momentary 1-1 in the final lost against Barcelona. A feeling strengthened in the following season and then in the last two, those of Morata who returned to Turin as a man, perhaps not the ideal striker to team up with Ronaldo first, even less so to be the only point of reference for the attack then (until Vlahovic’s arrival, of course), but who always gave everything to carry out the tasks that Pirlo and Allegri entrusted to him in the best possible way.

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