Resumption of the Judo club in September

Chateau-Chinon (City). Resumption of Judo Club du Morvan in September. The Morvan Judo Club held its general meeting at the town hall, an opportunity to take stock and award prizes. It was in the presence of Yvon Guimiot, deputy mayor, that the members of the office took stock of the white season which has just ended and prepared for the 2023 season. Indeed, following two difficult years linked to the health constraints, the club had to completely cease its activity due to the absence of the teacher for health reasons. But the club will resume its activities in September. Didier Michaux professor at Lormes will come to ensure a replacement and the club will be able to offer its usual judo sessions again on Tuesdays and Fridays.

The office was renewed in the same way: Éric Camelin, president, Sébastien Serayet, treasurer and Jessica Chezeau, secretary. On this occasion, the club honored Gabrielle Desmarquet for obtaining the black belt this season. Gabrielle started judo at the age of 4 and a half. After middle school, she joined the Jules-Renard high school in Nevers where she was able to continue judo under the direction of Denis Perreau in Varennes-Vauzelles. Thanks to these two teachers, she successfully passed her black belt. First-year health students this year, Gabrielle hopes to continue in physiotherapy studies. Registration will take place on Saturday, September 10, at the association fair. Classes will resume on Friday, September 16.

Contacts., [email protected].


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