Queretanos break record for gold medals at CONADE 2022 Nationals – Códice Informativo

There are still three weeks of competition where the disciplines of taekwondo, climbing, weightlifting, open water, handball and trampoline gymnastics will come into action.

The Queretaro delegation that participates in the CONADE Nationals 2022 is giving great results to the state, proof of this is the 62 gold medals that add up, which means a new record in the history of participation in the CONADE Nationals, before, National Olympiad. The previous record, achieved in 2014 and 2021, was 59 gold medals.

The sports that have contributed these medals are: chess with 4, sports shooting with 4, swimming with 7, associated wrestling with 8; this year skateboarding (roller skates) was included, where Amairani Gómez became the first medalist from Querétaro in this sport and also won a gold medal.

Other disciplines such as archery and fronton added 6 gold medals in this edition of CONADE Nationals, judo contributed 2 medals, fencing 4 metals, women’s artistic gymnastics contributed 3 medals thanks to the triplet of Valentina Meléndez, and in the branch manly a metal through Abraham Garcia.

And athletics broke its own record of 15 gold medals, adding a total of 16. Querétaro adds, until this July 2, a total of 204 medals: in addition to the first place metals are added: 53 silver and 89 gold. bronze. The state is in fifth place in the national medal table.

There are still three weeks of competition where the disciplines of taekwondo, climbing, weightlifting, open water, handball and trampoline gymnastics will come into action.


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