Pintus is the fuel of the champion

It is no coincidence that Zidane touched the glory (the remembered doublet Champions-League 2017 and the Champions of 2018) with Antonio Pintus at the forefront of physical preparation. Nor is it surprising to anyone Triplet imperial of the Madrid in this magical course (Champions League-Super Cup of Spain) with the player from Turin at the head of the Engine room in Valdebebas. Pintus (he will turn 60 on September 26) has been to blame for Madrid having finished the season flying on the pitch, having a month left to win the 35th League and consummating comebacks for the newspaper library. Until Modric (36 years old) and Benzema (34) finished the course fresh as a rose.

Pintus is licensed in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences from the Claude Bernard University of Lyon. He made his first steps in judo and athletics, but in football is where he has a doctorate. In the Juventus caught Zidane’s attention for his methods. You have already seen the rest in recent years, including the Scudetto what did he give to Inter when Zizou he dispensed with him in the summer of 2019, punishing his alleged disloyalty for staying in Valdebebas after the first resignation of the Marseillais in 2018.

Ancelottismarter than the red mice, recruited him for his second project in the Bernabeu and the results are in sight. It is clear that in football what triumphs is talent and quality, but the strength that this squad has shown throughout the year confirms that Pintus’s wisdom in his physical preparation plans banishes the ghost of injuries and makes players feel fast and powerful. Is he ‘Pintus Method’.


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