Paralympic European Archery Championships in Rome from 1 to 7 August

ROME – The blue medalists of Tokyo and the protagonists of the Dubai World Cup will challenge the best athletes of the continent: the world of Paralympic archery, but also Olympic, will meet in Rome, from 1 to 7 August next, for the Championships Para-Archery European Championships. To date, 120 archers from 28 countries have already registered, who will compete at the “Giulio Onesti” Olympic Training Center and at the “Pietro Mennea” Marble Stadium. “We are bringing home extraordinary results and we want to continue like this, both in the Olympic and Paralympic world. I am fortunate to experience a sport in which these two worlds coexist, and it is further satisfaction for us to lead to compete, for the first time. , blind athletes “, highlighted the president of Fitarco Mario Scarzella, during the presentation that took place at the CIP headquarters in Rome. A prestigious sporting event that “in addition to medals, we hope will bring together many sports fans as well as many girls and boys with disabilities who have not yet seized the opportunities that sport can offer. Archery is one of the disciplines more inclusive “, underlined the President of the CIP Luca Pancalli. “The incredible thing that archery is a world in which there is a more unique than rare integration between the Olympic world and the Paralympic world. Hosting the Paralympic European Archery Championships and thinking in this perspective gives a unique value to this sport “, said the president of Coni Giovanni Malagò. The Italian National Para-Archery is among the favorites. The Azzurri started the season with a World Cup full of medals, winning 3 golds, 2 silvers and 1 bronze in Dubai, which earned them third place in the medal table. – Fitarco press office photo -. spf / gm / red 07-Jul-22 14:28


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