Openjobmetis, second phase for subscriptions: go to free sale

The season ticket campaign reopens today (Thursday 14 July) “Restart together” of Varese Basketball who lived a “prologue” last week with the first three days dedicated exclusively to the renewals of old subscribers. The novelty of this second phase is the opening also to those who did not have the card last year: free sale then, with the hope on the part of the club to start “crunching” numbers also at the level of new subscribers.

The the first phase, that of the “three days”, had good results: the company has not provided official numbers but a “spannometric” account allows assume that about 700 fans (out of the thousand members 2021-22) have already renewed, and others will do so from now on. The regulation indeed provides that last year’s subscribers maintain the right of pre-emption in their place as well as the concessions in terms of price, and this will also apply to the third phase scheduled for September.

From today it is also possible buy the cards online at the free sale price (plus the commissions of the Vivaticket circuit on which Varese Basketball relies): to take advantage of this option you can connect to this link starting at 16. In this case, the cards can be collected on season ticket campaign dates or at the first championship match.

The second phase is divided into six days: al Thursday and Friday (14, 15, 21 and 22 July) the counter will be open between 16 and 20; to the Saturday (July 16th and 23rd) from 10am to 1pm and from 3pm to 7pm. The place to subscribe is the “Varese Basketball Store”that is the shop located at the entrance to the parterre at Enerxenia Arena.


Alongside the club season ticket campaign, fans will find the “We are basketball” trust station which aims to swell its ranks with its membership campaign. The supporters’ association, which also owns 5% of the company shares, has in turn focused its attention on young people, following what the club has done, establishing (alongside the Gold and Silver cards) the“Green” card in two versions: those under 30 (at a cost of 50 euros) and those under 18 (20 euros) which, although costing less than the others, give the right to a series of benefits. The interview with President Umberto Argieri – found in this article – explains some details and objectives of the trust itself.


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