Official: Olginate has transferred the rights. Will it restart from D?

The sporting title to the newborn Brianza Basket which belongs to Bernareggio. The ds Ripamonti is controversial.

The (long) “era” of professional basketball in the province of Lecco officially ends: Nuova Pallacanestro Olginate will no longer be at the starting line in the next B championship (the third series), the last of “pro” basketball. The news was officially announced yesterday afternoon by NPO’s ds and patron Fabio Ripamonti with a dry but explanatory message. Giving definitive concreteness to the rumors that had chased each other immediately after the (daring but brilliant) salvation won in the playout after a troubled season.

“We have ceded the right to participate in the Serie B championship to Brianza Basket – said the manager -, a new social structure created in Bernareggio to which, by virtue of the relationship and passion of the partners, we wish a prosperous future”.

The figure for the sale of the title – not communicated – probably is between 25 thousand and 30 thousand euros.

«Now Basketball in Olginate will restart – adds Ripamonti -. We look forward to other figures who can correspond to criteria of responsibility and as much passion. The staff will remain almost the same, with the exception of Manuel Cilio, who settled in Vicenza. And it will focus on the implementation and development of the youth sector ». But a restart with a first team is not excluded. «If a Serie D is found to be able to start again with the boys of the last youth, fine; otherwise it will be done in the following years ».

“Fausto Chiappa (the president Npo, ed) and Fabio Ripamonti, certainly not for the country and for those who administer it – concludes, in part controversially, the director -, but out of a sense of responsibility towards the many families and while not covering any office, they will continue as far as and as long as possible to support the transition from a financial point of view “.

Ball in wedges therefore in the hand of the now former patron of Pall. ’99 Max Bardotti who bought the NPO title to create the new Brianza Basket franchise, which will be based in Monza. However, he will play the first season in Bernareggio.



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