MMA, the new legend

For the space of a summer, Claude Askolovitch tells stories, which have happened to neighbors, right next to us, by going to see them thanks to the reports of Anaëlle Verzaux, then by receiving them in the studio at France Inter, where usually experts, politicians, scholars or powerful express themselves… because we understand France just as well, when we tell it from a French perspective.

Our story is that of a reinvented legend… That of boxing which will have populated our imagination and which is reincarnated in a combat sport which could have looked like nothing, because it brings them all together, judo wrestling boxes precisely, French, English, toe to toe in kik or even Thai… a sport that seemed at its beginnings a Yankee attraction without order or virtue, a circus whose fighters clashed in an iron cage under the vociferations of decivilized crowds…

Ah! the Republic in its wisdom had banished from France, these inevitably wild mixed martial arts… We had forgotten that in its beginnings, noble boxing had also been banished from accepted society, before becoming our greatest pride, this sport which made children of the people, sometimes cursed, an aristocracy of courage. This is the case with MMA, which the people here have invested without waiting for permission, dreaming of America, of glory, of fortune… The MMA which the Republic has finally authorized – and which is embodied in the man I receive today, a son of the people of Guadeloupe and La Roche-sur-Yon, Ciryl Gane, who is much more than the fresh-faced man whom the splendid brute Francis N’Gannou defeated last January…

  • Ciryl Gane’s Instagram account
  • Ciryl Gane’s twitter account
  • Ciryl Gane’s facebook page


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