Manu, in his farewell: “Thank you all; I hope I can return to Sporting in the future”

It’s official: Manu García has been transferred to Aris de Thessaloniki. Sporting has officially announced the closing of the operation. The player left the concentration in Alicante this morning. “

-How are you?: “

-Now I’m a little more liberated, it’s been a bit intense days with mixed emotions. Now to enjoy, to change the chip a bit and a new experience”.

-How have these years been at Sporting?

– “They were the difficult ones, they did not help anything so that everything went well. I think that the first year there were very good moments, the second year the team had a spectacular year, with better and worse moments, but well I’m leaving with the thorn of not having players with El Molinón full, in the end I enjoyed six months of playing in ElMolinón and whether you like it or not, doesn’t help either.”

-Do you want to go?

-“Looking forward to a huge opportunity to continue growing, a winning club that is going to play in Europe, I am going to enjoy a new league, city and culture. Wanting to go”

-Message to the fans:

– “Thank you for all these years, for the good and bad times, for the praise, for the criticism, because it is normal. It is logical that when you arrive with that type of transfer, with those expectations that things are not easy, but I think we have enjoyed it, that we have suffered, and I thank everyone S”

-Back to Sporting

– “I wish, I already said it 100 times. I consider Sporting my home, it has been since I was little and now even. Hopefully they continue to love me later and show up here one day.

Have you made the choice you wanted?

-“In the end, it’s the same because of how I am, because of how the club is, I’ve always thought of both of them. The club is improving a lot, things are being done well, and that was what was needed. You have to look for the good for everyone, more always being from Sporting ”

-Orlegi Project

-“I understand the illusion that there is in Gijón, I have been seeing it with them these days here with them, I was delighted, I have talked a lot with them, I wish them all the best, because in the end if they do well, it will do well for me in the Sporting fan’s sense. He wished them the best and hopefully sporting will soon be where it deserves to be.

-Is happy?

“I am going to a winning team, which is going to be on top, which is going to have the ball, and that was the first thing that attracted me the most. They will be a team that wins many games and I will be able to enjoy it there”


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