JaMarcus Russell – Call me the biggest flop

Los Oakland Raiders They had the first overall selection in the Draft of 2007 and chose the MVP of the Sugar Bowl. Nevertheless, JaMarcus RusselHe never lived up to expectations in the NFL and is considered one of the biggest flops in league history.

On the latest episode of the podcast The Pivot, Russell told his story of how he went from one of the most amazing prospects of his generation to one of the worst picks in the NFL.. The quarterback played 31 games over three seasons with the Raiders and had 4,083 yards, 18 TDs and 23 interceptions. Since 2010 he has moved away from the gridirons.

With that in mind, the quarterback declared that he hopes to be considered one of the biggest failures of the Draftnot just a failure, since that does not affect anything that he lives in the present.

“My career did not go as I wanted or as I expected. If you’re gonna call a flop, say I’m the ‘greatest‘. That doesn’t bother me, it’s not part of my world. It doesn’t apply to anything I have now,” Russell said.

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Complicated situation

LSU Product believes that management and the coaches he ran into in Oakland never gave him a chance to show off his talents. When mention was made of the report that he received an empty DVD and that he never checked whether there were plays or not, Russell did not deny or accept the report..

“That could have been my mistake, but I was ready to play. QWhy do you play with me if your duty is to teach me and make me a better player? I never understood that. At LSU they would never have done that to me. If so, so it was.” the quarterback explained.

Lane Kiffin was the head coach who recruited him at the express request of Al Davis, but he was fired after a year and a half. Tom Cable took the reins of the team, giving Bruce Gradkowski and Charlie Frye the job in Russell’s third season in the league.

“He didn’t do crazy things. I was trying to relax and win games. Unfortunately, I wasn’t winning, but they gave me a shitty hand. In practice, receivers couldn’t catch a short pass, but they wanted to catch a deep 90-yard pass.”, declared the 36-year veteran.

Russell is not mistaken in this respect since the WRs with whom he coincided in Oakland were Ronald Curry, Jerry Porter, Louis Murphy, Chaz Schillens. The standout tight end was Zach Miller.

Additionally, Russell stated that he did not feel wanted at the team facility. since “When he entered the building he thought ‘What will happen today?’ They fined me for crazy things. They wanted his money back. Then they said I owed them money. How could he owe them money? I signed a contract,” Russell stated.


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