Inter, this is Inzaghi’s dream on the transfer market: “Simone hopes that …”

However, the Nerazzurri held up discreetly and the shortcomings of the squad Inzaghi is trying to correct them with DIY

Some positive indications, but still a lot to improve: this is what was left by the friendly played yesterday by Inter in Lens, with the Nerazzurri beaten only at the end. This is the point from Repubblica, with an eye also to the transfer market: “The Nerazzurri have in any case held up discreetly and the defects of the squad Inzaghi is trying to correct them with the DIY, using Darmian in the trio of defenders and covering the left wing (Gosens has a ailment after another) with the revived Lazaro, who is doing pretty well. The feeling is that at this point Simone’s hope is not that someone will arrive, but that no one will leave. That would be enough“.


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