In Quimper, a good start on the sport side at Créac’h-Gwen for the Summer Kemp’ – Quimper

It is not impossible to come across groups of children running at full speed in the Créac’h-Gwen leisure park this summer. Don’t worry, you are only attending an orienteering race. Since the second week of July, many sports activities have been offered at Créac’h-Gwen: paddle, yoga, judo, tree climbing, rugby, electric skateboarding and orienteering. Alongside the children’s games, Mattéo Pécourt from the Quimper Orientation club welcomes those who want to discover the discipline. The way for them to learn to read a map, to know how to find their bearings in space but also to let off steam in the open air on the banks of the Odet. All for free.

More people than last year

This is the second edition and Mattéo is categorical. On the sport side, Summer Kemp’2022 “is going much better than last year”. Two hundred people came to look for the beacons scattered in the park since the beginning of the summer. “Six-year-old children with their parents, leisure centers and also adults with a 60-year-old dean! », Guarantees Matteo.

Participants can return without worry since every day, five to six different routes can be tested. But why is the entertainment program more convincing this year? The location probably has something to do with it. It was decided to group all the activities in the same place, which was not the case last year. “And it paid off”, adds Aurélien Nicolas, sports educator of the City for multisport activity.

Participants have at their disposal badges that they point to beacons and a map. Thanks to the electronic system, Mattéo Pécourt can know the number of beacons found and the time they took to complete the route. (The Telegram/Agathe Hernier)

Better visibility in Créac’h-Gwen

Some people come for a walk and can come across these animations without being aware. Like Aurélie and her child, who arrived by chance. His son has already been on a scooter but here is the opportunity to slalom between the blocks. “I’m going to see what they have to offer in the next few days”.

The accessibility of the site puts an additional spotlight on the initiative. Added to this, “better communication this year from the town hall”. Another change compared to last year: the City has chosen to offer a different sport each week. This diversity makes people happy. Rather interesting to learn about several sports at this time “when they are old enough to choose the activity they want to do at the start of the school year”. Alix and her son Théophile, who have already come to try rugby and golf, will surely be back next week.

Alix, Théophile's mother, helps him for his first steps on rollerblades.
Alix, Théophile’s mother, helps him for his first steps on rollerblades. (The Telegram/Agathe Hernier)


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