“I don’t have a lot of fun and motivation to be here just to be here,” says Vettel

The quadruple German world champion takes stock of the reasons which push him to hang up.

How did you come to make this decision?
Sebastian Vettel : This is not a decision I made overnight. The final decision was taken yesterday Wednesday (…) I thought a lot before making it. I think it’s a good time for me to do other things (…) I don’t have much fun and motivation to be here just to be here. The goal has always been to win and be in the lead. I think I’ve been privileged to have had so many great cars and teams in the past, I’ve been able to achieve so much. I think that in terms of excellence, this team (Aston Martin, editor’s note) is not to be outdone (…) but obviously, our package was not as strong as we would have liked (… ) To be so invested also means a lot of time spent in your head, your thoughts, but also physically away from home, children, family, and I have developed other things, other interests and other perspectives. I cannot ignore these voices. So, in the end, I think these questions have only grown and become more and more central (…) But I still love racing.

To what extent did your environmental concerns play a role in your desire to leave F1?
This is one of the factors that has certainly played a role (…) Seeing the world change and seeing the future very threatened for all of us and especially for the generations to come… I understand that part of my passion and my work comes with things that I’m not a fan of. I travel the world, race cars, burn resources. I think you can’t look away once you see these things (…) It’s not the only factor in my decision, it’s a combination of many things, but it is also a part (…) My family, then other things, are what I would like to spend more time on. The question I asked myself to decide was: “Do these things satisfy you enough”? I do not know. Time will tell us. (…) But I am very curious to find out and even more curious to find out what will follow (…). I think I’m incredibly lucky to have found something that means so much to me in my life, that has given me so much joy, a platform to make friends and meet all kinds of people, to travel the world, seeing things that broaden my horizons…

If the Abu Dhabi GP will be my last car race? I do not know…

Sebastian Vettel

The Abu Dhabi GP in November will therefore be the last car race of your career?
It will be my last race in F1… I don’t know… (…) I think physically I’m in great shape. I have no problem driving these cars (F1s, editor’s note). So there’s nothing that can keep me there. I cannot answer yes. And I can’t say no. Obviously, the decision I am making now closes a chapter. I’m not saying this chapter ends, another one opens right away, and I’ll be driving other cars next year. (…) It’s really a big change that is coming. Time will tell, I think that’s probably the most fair answer I can give at the moment.

Comments collected during a press briefing

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