Huesca Badminton works hard for the next season | Present

The club from Huesca is currently finalizing the squad to play in the toughest National League of Clubs that has been held to date and which will begin on September 17. This year the format has changed and the clubs are strengthening themselves a lot with the signing of players from one team to another and even Badminton Huesca is looking for some reinforcement to face this competition.

The competition will begin with two days in Madrid in which the 12 teams are divided into two groups of 6 by league system. These two days will decide who will fight for the title and who will do it to avoid relegation in a competition with 10 days and 5 trips that make the budgets of the participating clubs more expensive, but that gives greater importance and enhances the National League.

The members of the Huesca team have spent several weeks with hard physical and track training in the Juan XIII pavilion where they work from 5 to 8. Nicolás Escartín is also participating in these training sessions, and he is awaiting FESBA’s approach for the next season before specifying what will be your future

Another of the projects that is already well advanced is the Center for Specialized Modernization of Badminton that will be installed in Huesca and where players from Huesca and from outside the city will be able to have a greater dedication to this sport. It only remains to specify with the CSD, the Spanish Badminton Federation and the Huesca City Council some fringes of its official start-up in 2006.

The next season that is about to start can be very interesting for this sport. In Huesca, the main event, in addition to the National League of Clubs, which will be played for five days, highlights the celebration from January 13 to 15 of the Huesca City Grand Prix. This year there is also another incentive and it is the celebration of the Spanish Championship in Zaragoza in the month of February.


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