Hot sweat and love for speed and passion, the first Xi’an Games Chang’an District Division Competition was held

Hot sweat and love for speed and passion, the first Xi’an Games Chang’an District Division Competition was held

2022-07-24 16:43:19Source: Xi’an News Network

Defensive smashing ping pong games, passionate basketball games, chess games against wisdom… From July 23rd to 24th, the finals of the Chang’an District Divisional Finals of the First Games of Xi’an City were in full swing, and the enthusiasm for participation continued to be high. The chess held on the weekend , table tennis and basketball finals, completely ignited the passion in the hearts of the masses.

The scene: hot sweat is hard to resist, love sports, enthusiasm is high

With the theme of “I participate, I am healthy”, this competition was jointly organized by the Organization Department of the Chang’an District Committee, the Publicity Department of the District Committee, the District Culture and Tourism Bureau, and the District Civil Affairs Bureau. The contestants stood out through layers of selection and entered the finals.

The game of table tennis interprets the power of the national ball, attacking, defending, pulling each other… Every move and style reveals domineering. On the morning of July 24th, in the table tennis final held in the Chang’an Cultural Center Gymnasium, the players vigorously smashed and lobbed the ball… The battle was fierce, and everyone actively participated in the game with full enthusiasm. They were in high spirits and sweating like rain. Down, the action is smooth and smooth, sometimes defending, sometimes smashing, the white ball flips up and down, drawing a beautiful arc in the air. At the scene of the competition, there was a strong atmosphere of participation of the whole people. There was no age limit, no physical restraint, and there was only everyone’s high enthusiasm for sports.

In the Lingnan Gymnasium of Luan Town Street, cheers and applause of “defense!” and “good ball” were heard from time to time. The blood is boiling, strong muscles, flexible walking, fierce confrontation, and mutual praise and appreciation in the struggle. The finals of the men’s three-player basketball game are being held here, and the scene is even more exciting. The players cooperate with each other tacitly, pass the ball proficiently, approach the rebound, and launch rounds of shots.

The scores of the participating teams were sometimes tied and sometimes overtaken, affecting the hearts of the audience. The diverse attacks and clever defenses made the citizens applaud.

Chess is a chess game between Chu and Han, inheriting the quintessence of China. It has a long history and an ancient culture. The players are sometimes thoughtful, sometimes decisive, and sometimes evenly matched… In the Yellow River Garden Primary School in Chang’an District, the “first chess player in each street of Chang’an District” “Here we are chasing horses and horses, chess contests of intelligence, changeable routines, magical changes, and confrontation of wisdom. They are kings and hegemonies in peace, and they use their wisdom to experience the fun in the chess game.

Player: On the field is the opponent and off the field is the “close neighbor”

The competition in the finals was fierce, with many climaxes and frequent highlights. The competition showed both style and level. It gave full play to the enterprising spirit of sports and showed the spirit of unity and hard work of the residents of Chang’an District.

After two days of exciting competitions, the table tennis, basketball and chess finals of the first Xi’an Games Chang’an District Divisional Competition ended successfully. Through the competition, the feelings of the neighbors were enhanced, and the enthusiasm for participating in sports was improved. A harmonious civilized environment has laid a solid foundation.

“At the community games, everyone competed, cheered, and laughed together, and communicated emotions in the interaction, which made the relationship between neighbors closer. I also gained a lot of like-minded friends. We are opponents on the field and ‘close neighbors’ off the field. “Wang Jun, a contestant from the West Chang’an Street Community of Weiqu Street, said that he participated in the table tennis competition and won the second place in the mixed doubles in the regional competition. The community sports will push the national fitness to the masses. In the process of participating, you will not only exercise your body, but also enjoy the fun of life, and improve your physical quality. I hope that more activities like this will be held in the future.

Enthusiasm: More than 200,000 people signed up to participate in the community sports meeting

According to Shang Fang, Chief of the Urban Party Construction Section of the Organization Department of the Chang’an District Committee, since the Xi’an Community Games was launched, Chang’an District has maximized the willingness of the residents to participate, ignited the passion of more people in the area and sports enthusiasts, and formed a “government” With a good atmosphere of stage setting, corporate sponsorship, mass participation, and co-construction and co-governance”, various events and activities were brilliant, and the enthusiasm of mass participation was high, and a total of more than 200,000 people signed up to participate.

There are more and more people participating, and the atmosphere is getting stronger and stronger. During the epidemic, the residents continued to ask about the time to participate in the sports meeting. Chang’an District launched an online rope skipping competition. In less than a week, 2,239 people signed up to participate, and 9,935 people liked and followed. It truly achieved “people do not gather, activities do not stop”, and continued to maintain the popularity of the community games.

“As a platform, the community games will bring together the government, society, enterprises and other sources to the grassroots, and greatly shorten the distance between the residents and all parties.” Shang Fang said that the community games will be in the form of “sports +” to mobilize The enthusiasm of the masses, activating the cells of the city, condensing the forces of all parties around the community and community party organizations, and jointly building a new pattern of urban grassroots governance featuring “leadership of party building, participation of all parties, co-construction and co-governance, and sharing by the whole people”, to speed up the western part of Chang’an District. The construction of strong districts will inject more new energy.

Xi Jieyu, an intern of Gao Le, an all-media reporter of Xi’an Newspaper Industry,/Wang Jian/Photo


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