Games of Santo Domingo Este close

The number one constituency swept and won the III Municipal Sports Games of Santo Domingo Este, with a total of 94 medals (divided into 37 gold, 24 silver and 23 bronze).
Thanks to a strong performance, the teams from constituency 1 won most of the competitions.

The champions received the Great Rotary Cup Santo Domingo Este, from Mayor Manuel Jiménez, Director of Sports Roberto Neris and members of the Organizing Committee, within the framework of the closing ceremony held on the esplanade of the Municipal Palace.

During the closing ceremony, Mayor Manuel Jiménez explained that five thousand athletes from the three constituencies participated in this year’s games, competing in 25 disciplines, including baseball, basketball, volleyball, softball, vitilla, karate, boxing, athletics, chess, judo, futsal, wrestling, marathon, baseball of old glories, soccer, dominoes, taekwondo, among others.

“In the end, we all win. It has been a historic day for Santo Domingo Este. Our youth were able to share their best sports and athletic abilities with the city, and at the same time generate unforgettable moments of happiness for all”, exclaimed Manuel Jiménez.

“Our commitment is to prepare ourselves so that the next games are even better,” said Jiménez, after delivering the Rotating Cup to the athletes of the number one constituency, together with the Director of Sports, Roberto Neris.

The senator of the Santo Domingo province, Antonio Taveras Guzmán, who served as president of the Organizing Committee of the Games, pronounced the words of thanks.

Senator Taveras stressed that sport unites peoples and creates better citizens.

Neris highlights the efforts of Mayor Jiménez

The director of Sports Roberto Neris, said in the opening remarks, that for the first time in its history the municipality carries out some real games. “Thanks to the efforts of Jiménez and the senator we were able to make some historic games” said Neris. The games were organized and financed with the City Council’s own resources.


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