FIFA 23: all the new game mechanics coming to the simulator | EA Sports | Trailer | Release Date | SPORT-PLAY

FIFA 23: all the new game mechanics coming to the simulator |  EA Sports |  Trailer |  Release Date |  SPORT-PLAY

FIFA 23despite being the last game in the franchise, will represent an important generational leap. EA Sports has shared the first previews of the video game, where you can see some changes in the gameplay.

One of the most striking elements is the Hypermotion 2 technology, which has been used to capture the movement of different matches in real time. On this occasion, it has also been used for women’s football.

On the other hand, the “Zapatazo” was shown in the first preview, a mechanic of the strikers that highlights their ability to shoot from a distance. You will risk possession of the ball to charge a powerful shot on goal and auto-aim will be disabled.

A new skill-based shooting mechanic with a balance of risk and reward brings the most powerful and impressive shots to the game. Create space away from the defence, choose the gap and activate a power shot to give your shot more power and create scoring opportunities”, details the company.

stopped ball

Set piece reworks give you better control over free kicks, penalties, and corner kicks, and let you choose where you hit the ball to change direction, trajectory, spin, and more. Additionally, the updated camera positions on corner kicks better reflect the tension of set pieces.

Enhanced Physics

Advanced striking physics allow each extremity of the body to more naturally influence the trajectory of the ball when a shot is blocked by the defense in FIFA 23. Now, clearances and blocks by the defense and by arms, legs, hands and even goalkeepers fingers will have more realistic results, determined by the impact of the ball on them. They absorb the power of the shot to affect the path of the ball and create more visually realistic clearances, based on the speed and force of each individual shot.

Defense and artificial intelligence

Aggressive punt tackles, physical tackles and even heel punts. All this will give you more options to defend.

Tactical improvements make AI teams better react and respond tactically to the situation on the pitch, including factors such as result, match time and available players on the bench to make substitutions and update formations and style of play in the middle of a game. match.

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