Evander Holyfield, the boxer who won millions, but then lost it all

Evander Holyfield, the boxer who won millions, but then lost it all

El boxing it can be a sport that generates great fortunes in its best exponents, but it also leaves gladiators who lose everything by not knowing how to manage their assets, and there are many cases. One of them was Evander Holyfield.

The youngest of nine children, the man who later became a ring legend, was inspired by science and began a winning career under the tutelage of his first trainer, Carter Morgan.

Talent from childhood for Evander Holyfield

The future champion showed natural talent since he took his first steps and won all of his junior events for the first three years, but was then defeated by a young man named Cecil Collins. Frustrated by the fall, Evander ran home and informed his mother that he was done with boxing, only for her to tell him otherwise.

“When I lost my first fight at 11 years old, I quit,” he explained. “My mom said she had to come back because she didn’t raise anyone to quit.” I lost my second fight against Collins again and quit. She made me go back and try one more time.”

The rise of Holyfield

The real growth began to earn his nickname when he made it through the first three rounds of the competition with consecutive KO victories. Then, in the semi-final, he faced New Zealand Kevin Barry and lost by controversial disqualification.

After, Holyfield He went up to the heavyweight category, and there he realized his power and had a meteoric rise, to the point of facing Mike Tyson.

As Tyson caused such a sensation, much of the public refused to accept his loss and various excuses arose. They also rightly pointed out that Holyfield had beaten a Douglas much heavier and less well prepared than the one that had defeated Tyson.

‘Buster’ had spent eight months enjoying his newfound fame, obviously too much. Holyfield told the BBC: “I was happy, I hit my target, but after I hit the target and became champion, it didn’t stop people from talking.

Eventually, Holyfield He came to collect millionaire figures for his appearances in the ring, but he did not know how to manage his fortune, although in the interview with the BBC, he commented that he has already learned his lesson and now has a book where he recounts his experiences.


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