Cyriel Dessers has lunch with Jess Thorup, trip to Copenhagen is bad in Genk | Sport

FootballWhere does Cyriel Dessers’ future lie? The 27-year-old striker suddenly appeared in Denmark yesterday for lunch with FC Copenhagen coach Jess Thorup. At Racing Genk they are not amused with the action of the Danish champion.

On Sunday, Dessers was one of the stars in the top match against Club Brugge. Yesterday – it was a day off at RC Genk – he was on a terrace in Tivoli, the amusement park in the center of Copenhagen, in the presence of his supervisor Stijn Francis. What was supposed to be an informal conversation with Jess Thorup, briefly his trainer at Genk, and sporting director Peter Christiansen, eventually caused a lot of noise.

The lunch of the foursome was photographed by a passer-by and posted on social media. After his European successes with Feyenoord, Dessers is also a well-known headline in Denmark and you will be noticed in one of the most visited places in Scandinavia.

No offer yet

At the offices in Genk people could not laugh at the photo. Yes, the club had been informed of Copenhagen’s interest through its striker’s agent, but the Danes themselves have never reported in Limburg. Not to mention that they’ve said they’re inviting Dessers to present their plans to him. So it is still waiting for a move from FC Copenhagen. It has not yet made an offer.

Cremonese did last week. Only the proposal of the Italian PhD student was quickly dismissed by Genk. “It remains Serie A and I dream of a big competition,” said the Nigerian international after the match against Club Brugge. “We’ll see what happens. There is interest, it is starting to move.” Meanwhile, Cremonese is close to signing David Okereke from Club Brugge. This may have consequences for the interest in Dessers.

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No Feyenoord

Dessers no longer seems to have to count on a switch to Feyenoord. The Rotterdammers have already strengthened themselves with Danilo (Ajax) and, according to Dutch media, is busy attracting Cruz Azul striker Santiago Gimenez.

So Dessers needs to explore his options further. The attacker from Tongeren does not think it is a punishment to stay with RC Genk – he will be detained there for another two years and was already a supporter of the club as a child – but is apprehensive about a scenario like last season, when Paul Onuachu missed his expected top transfer. and was preferred in the point.

Difficult negotiations

Copenhagen may not be playing in a top league. It will soon be released in the Champions League and that makes it interesting for Dessers. The question is whether Genk will show itself to be a compliant negotiator. As mentioned, Copenhagen’s conduct is not to be welcomed and sources within the Limburg club know that this incident will complicate the talks.

In any case, the relations between the two clubs have not been great since Thorup left Genk two years ago head over heels for Copenhagen. It remains to be seen what consequences this will have for the future of Dessers. Today he is training again at Racing and there is a good chance that he will start ‘normally’ in the base against Standard on Sunday.

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