Cúcuta Deportivo tied against Fortaleza with a double by Jhonatan Agudelo

Cúcuta Deportivo tied against Fortaleza with a double by Jhonatan Agudelo

Minute 22: Almost the double! Jhonatan Agudelo shot from mid-range after a bad start by the rival goalkeeper. The shot went wide.

Minute 25: Sebastián Macías is booked at Cúcuta Deportivo.

MInuto 30: the 1-1 tie remains in Bogotá. Cúcuta Deportivo is positioned on the field with a higher order compared to the game against Boca Juniors last Sunday.

Minute 31: Close! The Argentine Lucas Ríos shoots from outside and goes slightly wide.

Minute 35: José Orlando Pérez launches the attack down the left flank without success when it comes to crossing.

Minute 38: GOAL FOR ROJINEGRO. Jonathan Agudelo he reaches the double again by scoring again with a header after a Matteo Frigeiro cross from the left flank.

Minute 41: Joan Cortés executes a free kick at the hands of the local goalkeeper.

End of the first half: Cúcuta Deportivo closes with a 2-1 advantage in Techo thanks to a double by Jhonatan Agudelo.

Minute 46: starts the second part in Techo. Aquivaldo Mosquera decides to replace Matteo Frigeiro to give entry to the experienced Jeysen Núñez.

Minute 47: Agudelo wants the treble. He shoots from mid-range and puts goalkeeper Gomez to work.

50 minutes: Brayan Blandón is booked at the venue for a strong tackle on Jhonatan Agudelo.

Minute 54: Lucas Ríos tests goalkeeper Gómez again from medium distance.

Minute 58: New substitution in Cúcuta Deportivo. Aquivaldo admits the Argentine Maximiliano Coronel by Joan Cortés.

Minute 64: yellow for Colonel.

Minute 70: double modification in the red and black. Enter Mauricio Cortés, from Always Ready from Bolivia and Camilo Díaz Cañola for Lucas Ríos and Sebastián Macías.

Minute 76: Fortaleza had the tie. The striker Adrián Parra by centimeters equals the actions in Techo.

Minute 82: last change in Cúcuta Deportivo. José López enters the court for the scorer and captain Jhonatan Agudelo.

85 minutes: yellow for José Orlando Pérez. The Cucuteño defender received his second warning in the championship after receiving a yellow card against Boca Juniors de Cali.

86 minutes: Cúcuta is saved. Diego Abadía defined poorly in the small area.

Minute 88: Jhon Meléndez ties the match. Fortress 2-2 Cucuta Deportivo.

Game over: ends at the Roof Metropolitan. Cúcuta adds his first point in the Betplay Tournament.

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