Conference League: Antwerp secures against Drita in Kosovo and will meet Lilleström in the 3rd qualifying round

After the white draw in the first leg (0-0), Krasniqi (53rd) and Balikwisha (90th + 8) offered victory to the Antwerpers who will face the Norwegians of Lillestrom on August 4 and 11 (in Antwerp). The first opportunity was in favor of Drita, with a breakthrough from Simonovski who called for the intervention of Butez (13th). Until half-time, the spectacle on the ground was not really present although the physical exchanges did indeed intensify. Antwerp took possession of the ball late in the period, but failed to convert it into a serious chance.

Returning from the locker room, it was the Belgian defender of Kosovo origin Laurit Krasniqi who gave the advantage to Antwerp, by victoriously resuming with a diving header a brushed cross from Benson (0-1, 53rd). In the aftermath, the same Benson could have killed all suspense but goalkeeper Maloku worked to keep Drita in the game (63rd).

In the last half hour, the Kosovars tried to shake up Antwerp with the support of their public, but the Antwerp block held firm to resist the opposing assaults that were growing in number. The end of the match saw the spaces widen and Balikwisha took advantage of the disorganization of the last moments to lob vista the goalkeeper who had ventured outside his goals to try to equalize (0-2, 90th + 8).

In the 3rd qualifying round, Antwerp will face Norwegian club Lilleström, who defeated Finland’s SJK in the 2nd round. The meetings will take place on August 4 and 11, at the same time as the confrontation between Paide, from Estonia, and Anderlecht. With the return to Belgium.


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