Carlsen gives up defending his throne at the 2023 World Chess Championship


“I’m not motivated by the idea of ​​playing another game. I don’t have much to gain,” the player admitted in the first episode of his podcast.

Magnus Carlsen, world chess champion.YOSHUA ARIASEFE

the norwegian Magnus Carlsenworld number one in chess, announced this Wednesday that he is giving up defending his title at the 2023 World Cup.I am not motivated by the idea of ​​playing another game. I just think I don’t have much to gain“, he declared in the first episode of his podcast “The Magnus Effect“.

In recent months, Carlsen had hinted on several occasions that, tired of a title he has held for almost ten years, he might leave his throne without a fight. He spoke of this possibility in December, shortly after being crowned double world chess champion, after defeating the Russian Ian Nepomniachtchi by 7.5-3.5.

“While I’m sure a game would be interesting for historical and other reasons, I have no desire to play and I will not play just for the sake of itdeclared the Norwegian.

No to withdrawal

Had he achieved further success in 2023, Carlsen would have been able to match the German Emanuel Lasker (champion 1894-1921) and the Soviet Mijal Botvinnik (champion between 1948 and 1963), although in that time he had lost twice.

“Overall, I have the impression that it is time for me to leave the World Cup games. I do not exclude a return in the future“, added the number one, specifying that the withdrawal is not yet considered. “So that there is no ambiguity, I am not retiring from chess; I will continue to be an active player“, he assured.

Carlsen’s resignation benefits the second of the Candidates Tournament, the Chinese Ding Lirenprobable future opponent of Ian Nepomniachtchi for the world crown.

“Bad News for the Show”

The president of the International Chess Federation (FIDE), Arkady Dvorkovichmade no secret of his disappointment in Carlsen’s decision, calling it in a statement “bad news for the show“.

“Ever since Magnus publicly expressed his doubts, FIDE was open to dialogue and study the specific proposals addressed to change the format of the World Cup,” explained Dvorkovich.

“Some of those doubts were discussed in May with the Norwegian and other high-level players. In Madrid we had a meeting in which all concerns were discussed openly and in detail. Unfortunately, that did not make him change his mind,” said the leader of the international body.

Chess is now stronger than ever, thanks in part to Magnusand the departure of the World Cup, one of the oldest and most respected traditions in the world of sport, will continue.”

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