Bressols. Football: it starts badly!

Sometimes the most complicated seasons are the best. This week is the cold shower for the football club, or rather there will be no shower at all in the changing rooms. While the resumption of the season is tomorrow for the senior workforce, and the club is still awaiting a request from the federation concerning its maintenance, the football grounds of Bressols are now inaccessible. Indeed, since this week, a community linked to an evangelical mission has taken over all the communal land. A visit that the football club had not really planned: “We resume physical preparation tomorrow, like every year at the beginning of August” report leaders of the local club who are in trouble. Concretely, no more space is accessible to consider the practice of football: “Decidedly, our season starts badly, we are still waiting for our future in the hen of Regional 2, and in all sincerity we do not digest the decision of the league of Occitania”, insists a very annoyed volunteer.

Train elsewhere

In such a configuration, it is difficult for the four coaches of the senior workforce to work in serenity: “You have to keep a cool head, obviously the situation is not comfortable to start this season well, but we put it into perspective and we will try to adapt”. While President Christian Lafitte remains particularly discreet in the face of the disconcerting situation, the entire staff immediately sought a parade. Several contacts have been made with the town hall of Montauban in order to have training grounds, pending the outcome of the situation. A negotiation between local elected representatives of the Greater Montauban agglomeration community to find an agreement: “So if I understand correctly, we have a football team which no longer really knows in which group it is playing, and which no longer has land for training”, ironically a Bressolais who lives nearby. According to our latest information, AS Bressols will begin their preparation at the Saulou stadium in Montauban.


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