Baseball – Hamburg – Stealers third in the playoffs after wins in Cologne – Sport

Baseball – Hamburg – Stealers third in the playoffs after wins in Cologne – Sport

Baseball – Hamburg:Stealers third in the playoffs after wins in Cologne

A baseball rests in a mitt. Photo: Jens Büttner/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa/Symbolbild (Photo: dpa)

Directly from the dpa news channel

Hamburg (dpa / lno) – The Hamburg Stealers have secured third place in the North Group of the Baseball Bundesliga. In their last main round games, the team of head coach David Wohlgemuth managed a double victory at the Cologne Cardinals on Saturday. In the playoff quarterfinals (beginning July 16), Hamburg will probably have to deal with the current southern second and defending champion Heidenheim Heideköpfe.

The Stealers won the first game in Cologne 17:5. In the second duel, Hamburg got into trouble after a 4:1 lead, but finally won 4:3.

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