Armadillo presents his gait – on high heels

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Von: Sina Luck

In a video, an armadillo presents its gait and walks like it is on high heels. The TikTok community is over the moon.

North Carolina (USA) – Armadillos are a phenomenon in themselves. With their bare keratin armor that wraps around the body in rings, they look like little knights in armour. But some are also hairy – like the brown-bristled armadillo lady Rizzo, who amazes millions of people online with her unmistakable gait.

Armadillos walk on the tips of their claws. (Iconic image) © Imagebroker/Imago

Armadillo presents his gait – on high heels

Armadillos, which originate from Central and South America, have long, strong claws. With giant armadillos, these can grow up to 20 centimeters long. However, many people apparently do not know that their claws are not only used for burrowing and digging. “You walk on your nails?” The TikTok community is stunned when the Greensboro Science Center – a science museum and zoological park in North Carolina – shared the video of brown-bristled armadillo Rizzo on its TikTok channel greensborosciencecenter ” released. People on the internet are also amazed by the Transformation of a hedgehog that initially looks like an avocado.

But Rizzo leaves no room for doubt: When she runs, she only puts the claws on her front limbs and thus walks on tiptoe. With her springy steps, the armadillo lady seems to be floating over the ground. As if on high heels, she gropes towards the camera, sniffs briefly and then turns around to run back to her nurse. In order to hear the rhythmic “click clack” of Rizzo’s tiptoe walk even better, the Greensboro Science Center immediately posts a TikTok without any musical accompaniment at the request of a follower. With its graceful Catwalk a hangover inspires millions of people on TikTok.

Armadillo presents his gear – TikTok community is over the moon

The TikTok community is over the moon at the sight of Rizzo’s stage-ready walk. The armadillo lady does it so beautifully in the clip that the viewers can’t get enough of it. The video has already been viewed over 7 million times and received almost 1.5 million likes. In the comments, viewers compare the armadillo to a ballerina or a model wearing high heels Catwalk during a fashion show runs along. Here is a selection:

  • “She walks like she’s wearing heels. ????????????”
  • “I didn’t know armadillos ran on the tips of their claws. Like high heels! So sweet! ????”
  • “I had no idea armadillos were just little ballerinas. ????”
  • “I now have measurably more serotonin. Many Thanks!!”
  • “No one told me they wore heels. ????????????????????”


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