A line of luxury that makes Abel Camara tempted to join Arema FC

Saturday, July 2 2022 – 17:16 WIB

LIVE Ball – Arema FC manager, Ali Rifki revealed that Abel Camara was interested in joining Singo Edan because this team has a number of luxuries. This was disclosed directly by Abel Camara to management when signing the contract a few days ago.

“So, before going to Indonesia, he called his colleagues first. Footballers from Portugal, including Carlos Fortes. Everyone praised Arema, a good club, players’ salaries are never late. The atmosphere is like a family, also has good facilities,” said Ali.

Abel Camara was the last foreign player recruited by Singo Edan. The 32-year-old striker plays from the Republic of Guinea Bissau.

Previously, he played for Portugal’s highest caste club, Belenenses SAD. At Arema, Abel Camara is bound by a contract with a duration of one year plus an option for an extension if he excels.

Ali Rifki revealed that apart from Abel, who is still under contract with his old club, it took him a long time to be introduced to the public, the management and coaching team are still considering the foreign striker Arema FC.

There are at least 9 names of foreign attackers who entered the target. In the end, the name Abel Camara was chosen because of his experience in playing in one of Europe’s top leagues.

“We convinced ourselves, that is between us between the coach and management. Actually we have 9 names starting from the Portuguese League and the English League too. But in the end it fell to Abel with the progress he played last May 30. And we are waiting for the confirmation of Abel’s club staying or dropping caste in the Portuguese League. After we finish, we bring Abel, “said Ali.


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