A chess robot in Moscow broke the finger of its human opponent

According to the organizers of the tournament in the Russian capital, it was an “inadvertent” attack by the robot. A seven-year-old boy named Christopher, who, by the way, is among the top 30 chess players in Moscow under the age of nine, according to them, moved a piece on the chessboard earlier than he was supposed to, which resulted in the robot’s non-standard behavior.

The AI ​​robotic arm grabbed the young player’s index finger and squeezed his finger hard. People around the boy immediately rushed to help, but they did not prevent the consequences in the form of a broken finger.

“A robot broke a child’s finger – of course that’s bad. We rented the robot, in the past he was in many places, for a long time, with experts. However, the operators apparently overlooked this. The child moved the figure, then the robot needs to be given time to respond. But the boy was in a hurry and the robot grabbed him. We have nothing to do with the robot,” commented the president of the Moscow Chess Federation, Sergey Lazarev.

“The child continued the tournament the next day, finished it in a cast,” added Lazarev, adding that the boy’s parents are now thinking about filing a lawsuit.

“They want to contact the public prosecutor’s office. We will be in touch with them and help them resolve the situation. Robot operators should probably think about strengthening security so that the situation doesn’t happen again in the future,” he concluded.


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