2022 – NBA opens investigation into 76ers for potential tampering, per report – Magazine, Health

The NBA is launching an investigation into whether or not the 76ers rigged James Harden, PJ Tucker and Daniel House on the way to signing their free-agent class this summer. according to a report by ESPN’s Adrian Wojnarowski.

The league plans to review the circumstances under which Harden turned down his $47 million player option to sign a two-year, $68.6 million deal that includes a player option for the second year of the contract. Harden’s decision to decline his existing $47 million player option gave the 76ers more flexibility in signing Tucker and House.

Wojnarowski reports that some in the league have questioned whether the deals for Tucker and House were agreed before the statutory free agency manipulation period and before Harden’s contract move, which would violate the league’s existing collective bargaining agreement.

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