120 participants for an international judo course “the hard way” under the watchful eye of Cédric Taymans

One hundred and twenty judokas (including French and a Canadian) who are between 13 and 23 years old are currently treading the tatami mats of the sports hall of the athenaeum. A course that takes place from July 11 to 15. “The primary objective continues the former vice-world champion, is to store as much technical baggage as possible before everyone returns to their respective club to approach competitions with full confidence, now that the recovery has definitely begun.

Reinforced staff with a former European champion under 21

A solid team has surrounded Cédric Taymans for years. Newcomer to the staff: Adrien Quertinmont, 29, who was European champion in 2012 in the under-21 category. “This is my first internship as a coach at Jodoigne, confides the one who, under the eyes of the one hundred and twenty judokas, serves as sparring partner to Cédric Taymons. I gladly accepted Cédric’s proposal to join the team, in combination with my military activities at the Florennes base, because judo, even if I am no longer in competition due to repeated injuries, it is a big part of my life.”

How does he envisage his new functions? “There is a course to pass, reacts Adrian, because some of the judokas used to be my training buddies. The buddy-buddy side is over. And if the physical was previously essential, I would say that the mental side and the observation of young judokas are more important now.”

Note: the international course which was scheduled for August 15 to 19 had to be canceled following the renovation work of the Jodoignes boarding schools, where the judokas live.

When a family meets on the tatami

© EdA

They look like three friends who have known each other forever. False: Louis Guillerm, 15 (on the left in the photo), Gabriel (on the right) and Julien Hamelrijck, 16 and 18, are cousins. And brown belt all three. ” It’s nice to meet again, of Gabriel, because Louis lives in Jodoigne while my brother and I come from Sauvenière.”

Gabriel took advantage of the break to treat a sore. “A bell at the foot, nothing serious.”


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