‘You Accelerate’ Park Joo-hyeon X Chae Jong-hyeop ends with a laugh on the court… warm happy ending

/ Photo = KBS2 ‘The speed to you 493km’ broadcast screen capture

‘The speed to you 493km’ Park Joo-hyeon and Chae Jong-hyeop met a happy ending.

On the 9th, the final episode of the KBS 2TV drama ‘The Speed ​​To You 493km’ (played by Heo Seong-hye/directed by Jo Woong/hereinafter ‘Accelerated You’) was aired. Park Tae-yang (Park Joo-hyun) and Park Tae-joon (Chae Jong-hyeop) smiled brightly at the moment when they could finally run. The growth of the two youths who overcame all the wounds gave a moving impression.

Tae-Yang Park learned about Park Tae-Jun’s knee condition ahead of the mixed doubles final at the ‘2022 Korean Badminton Championships’. At the beginning of the play, Park Tae-joon, who thought of sports only as a profession enough to declare abstaining to protect the legs of his fellow athlete, was hot enough to say that he wanted to play without giving up until the end. However, Park Tae-Jun injured his ankle while trying to stop Park Tae-Jun, and eventually gave up on the finals.

There was another reason why Park Tae-joon wanted to play in the finals so much. After the last match, he was about to confess to Park Tae-yang that he wanted to meet again. After the final was canceled and he was hospitalized, Park Tae-joon realized that he was in a bit of a hurry. He vowed in front of Park Taeyang that he would wait for the moment when his win rate became 100%.

Park Tae-joon, who protected his knee thanks to Park Tae-yang, worked hard for a month in rehabilitation. Park Tae-Jun and Park Jun-Young (Park Ji-Hyeon)’s mother, Jo Hyang-Sook (Lee Ji-Hyeon), was also well aware that Park Tae-Yeong had saved her son’s knee. Just as misfortune always comes suddenly, so does happiness come unexpectedly. Hyang-suk Jo called Park Tae-yang and asked her to come to eat.

It was the moment of 100% win rate that Park Tae-joon had been waiting for. Two people running towards each other as fast as ‘493 km/h’. Park Tae-joon confessed to Park Tae-joon, “Let’s start again” and “Don’t forget for even a second that you are the person you are loved. I will love you without resting for even a second.”

Another year has passed, and many things have changed. Park Jun-young, who first entered graduate school, worked hard on her homework and prepared for a second life. Lee Tae-sang (Jo Han-cheol), who was coach of Eunice, became the national team coach, and Joo Sang-hyeon (In Gyo-jin) took over as Eunice’s coach, and former player Lee Young-shim (Jo Soo-hyang) took over as coach. The active Eunice players also showed a more mature image by serving as seniors to the new juniors.

There were some things that didn’t change. It was Park Tae-Yeon and Park Tae-Jun and Yook Jung-Hwan (Kim Mu-Jun) and Lee Yoo-Min (Seo Ji-Hye), who are still in love and show good performances in badminton. The two teams met again at the ‘2023 Korean Badminton Championship’. Their narration flows over the four happy smiling faces on the court: “It seemed like it was all over, but the opportunity has come again. Will I be able to grab it this time?”, “You’ll find out if you try. But, one thing is for sure”, “Now is the perfect moment to run.” ended with

It was an open ending that showed that the drama would end, but their match would continue. It didn’t matter whether Ssang-bak would win the championship this time, or whether they would become the national team. It just mattered that they were enjoying this moment. This was possible because the two of them overcame their wounds and developed a stronger inner side. These messages were also comforting to many young people who are experiencing real growing pains off-screen.

The badminton game played in this process and the hot love of the couple made the drama more fun. As such, ‘Accelerate You’, which contains all of the growth of youth, the excitement of sports, and the excitement of romance, is expected to be remembered for a long time as a well-made youth sports romance drama.

< 저작권자 ⓒ 서울경제, 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지 >


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