Yeezy signature basketball shoes are no longer a dream! Kanye officially signs NBA star! _Jaylen Brown_Player_Olive Branch

Original title: Yeezy signature basketball shoes are no longer a dream! Kanye officially signs NBA star!

The NBA Finals have officially started, which side do you support?

The Celtics reached the finals again after a lapse of 12 years, and I also want to see two new stars, Jayson Tatum and Jaylen Brown, rise.

Speaking of Jaylen BrownThis season’s performance is really a huge improvement, and even attracted our familiar Kanye to throw an olive branch for him!

Kanye established last year DONDA SPORTS Sports Agencyand signed a lot of young players with great potential, but never waited for the company’s first NBA player.

Finally, just recently, Jaylen Brown accepted an olive branch from Kanye and officially signed with DONDA SPORTS, becoming its first NBA player!

And Jaylen Brown himself is also a signed player of adidas, with the relationship of Kanye,Yeezy Signature Basketball ShoesWouldn’t that just do it!

I believe that Yeezy will have more actions in the basketball product line in the future, and we will continue to pay attention and bring you the first relevant reports!


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