Win the Tekax team

Written in SPORTS the

TZUCACAB.— The women’s basketball team “Vaqueritas” from Tzucacab had its first victory in the first game of the municipal tournament by beating “Space Jam”, from the municipality of Tekax.

It is worth mentioning that the young women of this town have a sports space to compete after more than 5 years.

The inauguration of the women’s basketball tournament took place on Thursday night in the municipal basketball court of the Municipal Palace.

The event was in charge of aldermen and Mayor Freddy Alejandro Carrillo Blanco.

The teams “Vaqueritas”, “Guerreras” and “Soles” from Tzucacab participate in the reactivation of this championship; “Space Jam” and “Jaguarcitas”, and “Lobas”, by Oxkutzcab.

Following the brief opening ceremony, the first match began.

The “Vaqueritas” showed their status as locals by beating the “Space Jam” team 61 to 31.

The Director of Sports, Leonel Rosado “Leo”, reported that after almost 6 years the young women are participating in a championship again.

Baseball, basketball and men’s soccer tournaments are also held in this town.— Martín Chac Bacab


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