What happens if I have to defend myself? – Duchy direct

Duchy of Lauenburg/Breitenfelde (pm).
At the end of May, the Ju-Jutsu/Judo section of the Breitenfeld sports club invited the active mix martial arts athlete and policeman Syrene Senobio from Hamburg to discuss this topic. On this day, young and old martial artists have expanded their ability to actively defend themselves and to use the contact with the police positively when they “come”.

In role-playing games, the little ones learned to say “no”, to set boundaries and not allow any physical “touch”. The youth leader of the BSV division Claudia Wunsch, a social worker by profession, designed this day for the kids with lively stories, role-playing games and a lot of empathy. The opportunity to have many questions answered by the policeman Syrene, known as “Sy”, was gladly used, “how often can your pistol fire, what do you have on your belt”? Anyone who wanted could hold the baton and touch the bulletproof vest. The little ones had a lot of fun when their trainer Rüdiger was arrested for fun.

The ju-jutsu/judo section of the Breitenfeld sports club trains the youngest in self-defence. Photo: Merten, hfr

For the advanced, the day began with a training session led by Sy, who started his career in judo at the age of five, has celebrated many national and international successes in ju-jutsu fighting and belongs to the elite of these athletes, who regularly perform in front of large audiences compete against each other in fair duels to measure their strength. He was able to teach this group an effective combination of techniques that is easy to use for everyone and can be easily integrated into ongoing training. It was important for Sy to keep his distance, not to swing visibly, and to use a feint from time to time. Throws and holding were also shown patiently. He was supported by the trainers Jana and trainer Marc. In the second part, Sy was the “policeman”. In this way, even the advanced kids and young people could get rid of their questions. This day was accompanied by the department’s “celebration committee” with delicious snacks and in the evening with a joint pizza meal.

A highlight was the handing over of newly designed t-shirts of the division to all participants. The design was created by Petra Oesterreich, who also helped plan and organize this lively day. The Möllner dentist Gökhan Kilinc showed a heart for children and made the purchase of these T-shirts possible with a very generous donation. “The entire BSV Ju-Jutsu/Judo division would like to thank Mr. Kilinc from the bottom of their hearts,” said the participants. This great day ended with the traditional overnight stay on the Matten area. The children and young people were picked up in the morning and can now report on many experiences. Since the Ju-Jutsu belt test took place in the morning, some BSV Ju-Jutsuka also got a new belt color.

Being able to defend yourself, to say no and to show your limits has always been a basic need of every human being,” says Rüdiger Merten, who, as a Ju-Jutsu examiner, took the test and also helped shape the day. “In the Breitenfeld sports club, children, young people and adults can learn to defend themselves effectively. We say stop to any form of violence and through our many years of experience in self-defense we are a rock in the surf of real life, where there is violence, but also self-defense.


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