UAT successfully conducts basketball tournaments for employees and teachers – El Redactor de Soto la Marina

Ciudad Victoria, Tam., June 11, 2022.- The Autonomous University of Tamaulipas (UAT) successfully concluded the basketball tournament called “CP Guillermo Mendoza Cavazos”, aimed at officials, teachers and employees of the highest house of studies of the been in the men’s and women’s branches.

In the final stage of the competition held on the court of the Multidisciplinary Gymnasium of the Victoria Campus, the Fénix team was crowned champion by defeating the Finance team in the final of the women’s branch by a score of 35-23.

In the men’s branch, the Victoria Multidisciplinary Gymnasium team defeated the UAT Sports squad by a score of 49-29 in a match that was intensely played from the first to the last minute of the game.

The award ceremony was given by CP Óscar Garza Pérez, Sports Director of the UAT, who was accompanied by the administrator of the Victoria Multidisciplinary Gym, Ing. Miguel Ángel Ramos Márquez.

It is worth mentioning that, at the time, the Rector Guillermo Mendoza Cavazos referred that the University has resumed sports activities after the health contingency, which, he pointed out, is important for the integration of workers and the cohesion of work teams.

He argued that these types of activities help coexistence between work teams and favor healthy competition. He stressed that other sports will gradually be resumed and, through specific programs, the spaces of the UAT will also be opened to the community in general as part of the social responsibility of the alma mater state.

In this basketball tournament of officials, teachers and employees of the UAT, in addition to the areas of the University, two guest teams from the community participated: Fénix Plus 40 and Novas; both squads were placed among the first places.


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