Types of golf clubs: the complete guide from beginners to experts

Have you heard that it opens a exclusive golf club that only admits 777 members and you want to be one of them. Or are you planning to stay this summer in one ofEurope’s best golf resorts. Whatever the case, the decision to buy one club or another is key depending on the level of play and the swing style of each one. In this guide you have the clues to choose the right clubs and follow in the footsteps of Jon Rahm.

One of the rules of golf limits players to carry in their bag fourteen clubs maximum. A number that might seem high to someone who is just starting out or is not very familiar with this sport, but the reality is very different. If you are one of the lucky ones with access to a club the golf and you want to start tanning yourself in the field, you will have to start with the most elementary. Despite its airtight appearance, golf is a skill sport that anyone can practice. Once the basic concepts are clear, the next step will be to go to the grass.

A golf club splits into three main parts: the grip or empuadura; the shaft or rod, the support that joins both ends; and the club head or head, with which the ball is hit. In turn, on the face of the head of a golf club, the areas that join both pieces are differentiated, these being the neck, which joins it to the shaft; and the heel, a smooth area that links the neck and the head of the club. The rest of the head is made up of the grooves or grooves, responsible for grabbing the ball and whose optimum impact zone is called the sweet spot; and, finally, the tip or toe, which is also smooth.

What are the different types of golf clubs?

The types of golf clubs are grouped into six categories that are differentiated by distance that the ball is capable of reaching with one stroke, from highest to lowest. The first are known as driver, recognizing them is easy because they are the ones with the longest rod of all and the largest head. They are used on the first few holes to cover the maximum possible distance in one shot.

The next option is woods, with a shorter shaft and a smaller head. It corresponds to the next phase, when you still have to get long shots but with more control. Despite their name, it should be noted that they are not made of this material.

As the number of holes progresses, it becomes necessary to resort to a stick hbrido, which will guarantee long shots, but with greater precision. It is the previous step to make the leap to the irons, this type of club is designed for the moment when the distances begin to shorten. The length of the ball’s path is no longer the most important thing, but the control of the shot so that it comes as close as possible to the green, that is, the area surrounding the flag where the hole is located.

When the ball begins to approach the green, around 50 or 100 meters, the players change to the wedges, also known as approach sticks. Its main difference from the rest is its opening angle or loft. That is, the inclination of the angle of the front face of the head with respect to the vertical of the rod. This variable is essential for the game, through it it will be possible to imbue the ball with certain effects.

Wedges are the most precious clubs and in their handling and control lies the virtuosity of a player. Thanks to the loft, the ball manages to rise and fall without rolling, something essential to achieve the maximum possible precision. This does not happen with drivers, for example, more focused on covering as much space as possible and only with an angle between 9 and 12 degrees. Within the wedges there are several classes, although the three basic ones are the pitching wedge, with an inclination of 45 to 48 degrees; the gap wedge, with one of 52 degrees; and the sand wedge 56 degrees.

Finally, the putter the usual types of golf clubs close. This is the one used when the ball is already rolling on the green and all that remains is to get it into the hole with the minimum number of strokes or putts.

Once these categories are clear, it must be taken into account that each one of them is subdivided, in turn, by means of a numbering system. Each type of stick has different models identified by numbers that correspond to one or another utility. For example, while the lower numbered ones provide longer throws (within what is achievable for that particular club class), the higher numbered ones focus on control.

How to choose golf clubs depending on whether you are a beginner or an expert?

Las people who are starting to practice golf they will start with the equipment they will receive during their classes to learn this sport. It is best to gain some looseness and experience this way before purchasing your own clubs. The irons will be the first clubs that they must tame. It is advisable to opt for ones with a design focused on improving blows. Both beginners and intermediate level players practice with clubs designed to improve the game.

On the other hand, experts and professionals of golf hit the ball with advanced clubs, much more complex and from which the player is already capable of getting the most out of it. Each person creates his own bag of clubs according to his swing, this is the main reason why you should wait before buying a set of them. A beginner needs a minimum amount of time to manifest his swing, even if it is in his most primary expression.

and wave, el swing refers to movement that takes place when hitting the ball, from when the club is directed backwards to pick up momentum (backswing), until when the ball is hit with all the accumulated energy (downswing) and, once impacted, it is accompanied upwards with the club until the end with him the parabola (follow through). The final step is known as the finish, when the blow is completely finished, as well as the rotation of the body following the launch.

Each one of the details of this process and how it is developed marks the style of swing, its quality and, therefore, possible defects or aspects that can be improved. The choice of golf clubs will depend on all of this. East swing studio golf is called fitting.

What are the recommended golf clubs to start with?

As has been anticipated the irons they are the most suitable clubs for beginner players; it is advisable to start prioritizing remote control. In addition, the graphite rods They will perform better for beginners due to their flexibility, ease of handling, and better shock absorption than steel ones.

When creating your own bag of sticks, little by little, the elementals to get a basic team They are the number 1 driver and a pair of woods of 3 and 5 -the most used generally-. To these you must add irons with intermediate numbering, at least one pitching and one sand of the wedges and, to top it off, a putter.


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